James Donald is the designer my group has chosen to focus on, we decided to choose him because he is such an influential designer and uses a traditional method of weaving to create his fantastic designs. James Donald and Fiona McIntosh opened their own shop in 2000 called Concrete Wardrobe. Concrete Wardrobe based in Edinburgh concentrates on selling primal Scottish designers specialising in crafts which are quality and affordable, including ceramics, textiles, furniture, jewellery and fashion.
"Concrete Wardrobe has a solid reputation for innovative collections and designs covering the worlds of fashion, textiles and furniture. It's an eclectic mix, including high quality knitted clothing, woven scarves, bags and purses from local designers. A range of interesting antiques from the 20th Century Antiques section (with pieces from the 1920s to the 1970s) complements glassware and soft furnishings and includes design names to excite from Britain, Scandinavia and America - think Eames and Panton."
DIY Pen from FRASER ROSS on Vimeo.