Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Glasgow is an amazing city, one which you can't describe until you go there.

When most people think of Glasgow, especially outside of  Scotland, they imagine how rough and dangerous it is. People imagine Glasgow paved with skeletons. It has a bad reputation.

Our trip involved a long bus journey but finally we arrived. Merchant city was ours to explore. First impressions count for everything, the bus parked outside of an Armani store therefore mine was that Merchant city is posh, well off and a little bit snooty. Merchant city is the best place to wast away a day if you have a fat wallet.

Tourism is an something Glasgow wants, there are posters everywhere advertising the fabulous architecture you can visit. There are maps dotted around the city for whose who do not know their way. Although you probably wouldnt need a map in Glasgow because everyone is so friendly they would point you in the right direction.

Merchant City is made up of restuarants, shops and shopping centres. We visited the apple store while we were there which is a beautiful building. When you go in there are a number of things you notice. There are no prices on any of the items, you have to ask. I dont know if this is reminesnce of the fashion world 'price on request'. Or simply so you have an impulse to just buy something because you want it and dont stand there decidinding if your bank account can stretch to the luxury. It could mean that people who shop in the apple store are so rich they need to worry about money, they just buy what they want. Another thing is that there are credit card points on each of the tables displaying the laptops, etc. Is this so people impulse buy and just whip out there credit card and buy one? I thought apple where better than that. It was a thursday afternnon at about twelce oclock then I was in the apple store and yet there where more staff than customers in the store, each customer could have their own apple personal shopper with them. Personnaly i thought it was over whelming if you were simply browing by the sheer number of staff. The best part of the store was defianalty the building it was in, clearly carefully selected. It is a strange thing to notice but i alaso noticed that when you walked up the spiral staircase it was very easy to walk up. Pretty much just like walking on flat groulnd, lazy steps. Apple is defiantly a customer experience not just a shop.

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