Brainstorming idea result.
Speaking to my boyfriend I realised that a lot of men listen to the radio whilst working, traders are always listening to the radio whilst working. The radio is very often on in the studio in university and in local cafes and shops. Driving in the car is relaxtion is for a lot of people. Chill out time. Listening to the radio this morning I heard two adverts for women to take their children to the health care center. Could we have a play on words and make women take their men?
After Jonathon showed us his idea in the lecture about a poster you could read, I thought well why not just have it on the radio? A catchty jingle? "here come the men, men, men."
(what the audience thinks is a child, in a whiney voice) MAN: Whaaaaaaaaat? Im not sick. Please. Noooooo.
WOMAN: (stern voice) Yes, you have to, it could be really serious. It wont hurt. We will only be there a minute and when we get I will make you a nice, tasty dinner.
MAN: My faverite? Really?
WOMAN: Yes, promise.
MAN: Fine then I'll drive.
TAGLINE: "for your favourite meal the doctor's a good deal."
Using humour should connect with both sexes, that is why we wanted the advert to be funny. From a womens point of view this is just another daily argument she has to have with her children and should not be carried on unto adult life. Males will hopefully talk about this with their friends and take it has a dig that they need to grow up and go to the doctors independantly. This is still aimed at women as it connects with thier emotional and caring side, but men will also get the message because of the humour used. Food is also a very good way of getting to a mans heart and women know this and often abuse this fact.
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